STS Aftercare Program

The mission of the after care program is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience after school, while nurturing the spiritual, academic, and social growth of our students. St. Thomas the Apostle School provides before school and after school care programs for its students located on the school premises. Please contact with any questions related to aftercare.


The aftercare program is located in the north gym, the Parish Center, and the south playground facilities. Homework rooms for aftercare utilize the school classrooms surrounding the north gym area.


The program is open to all students of St. Thomas the Apostle School.

  • Each enrolling family must complete a registration form prior to the first time their children attend the aftercare program.

  • The program will use the emergency contact information provided by the parent or guardian on the aftercare registration form in the event of an emergency.

  • Every family must provide a list of authorized persons who will be allowed to retrieve the student(s). No exceptions will be made to this list, except by express direction of the parent or legal guardian.

  • If a parent wishes a student to be released from aftercare to someone other than the parent, the parent is required to provide authorization. The authorization may be written or by telephone call.

Hours of operation

The aftercare program will begin student check in at 3:15 pm and conclude at 5:30 pm. All students will proceed to or be escorted to the designated aftercare program facilities at the end of the school day.  Door H is only used for students in aftercare. Students are not permitted to be picked up from aftercare until 3:30pm.

  • Students are expected to remain under the supervision of the aftercare staff until they are signed out by a parent, guardian, or authorized responsible adult.

  • Parents or authorized adults shall use the Main St. doorbell to gain access to the aftercare areas. He/she shall sign the aftercare attendance log book, acknowledging the time of pick-up, gather the student(s), and promptly leave the facility.

  • Students who participate in extracurricular activities which ensue later than 3:15 pm MUST remain in the aftercare program until the adult responsible for the activity (i.e. coach, leader) signs the student out of the aftercare attendance log. This adult must have been previously identified in writing by parents as authorized to accept responsibility for the student to attend the practice or activity.

  • Students will not be allowed to leave aftercare area to retrieve items from the building


The cost to participate in the aftercare program is $8.00 PER HOUR PER STUDENT. Students staying less than an hour will be charged a pro-rated rate. Weekly statements will be sent home for payment using email. ADDITIONAL FEES will be charged for parents who are late picking up their children, at the rate of $5.00 PER CHILD FOR EVERY 15 MINUTES PAST 5:30 pm.


Though the aftercare staff attempts to adhere to a basic schedule, many variables exist which can create some changes from day to day in the timing of after care events. During warmer weather months, students will have the opportunity to play outside under the supervision of the after care staff. The program will follow the school’s policy for when to stay indoors, mainly due to inclement weather. Normal playground and recess rules apply to physical recreation during after care.

A general schedule is as follows:

  • 3:15 – 3:30 pm: Attendance check-in

  • 3:30 – 4:00 pm: Homework and quiet activities

  • 4:00 – 4:15 pm: Snack time

  • 4:15 – 5:30 pm: Playtime


A small snack is provided at 4:00pm. Students who have food allergies are encouraged to pack a light snack for themselves, as the snack assortment for the aftercare program is limited.

Homework Policy

The staff will provide a reasonably quiet area to do homework, but the students are expected to willingly cooperate. The aftercare staff will provide supervision, but should not be expected to act as a tutor or to accurately judge the quality or quantity or completed work.

  • Students with homework are required to work toward completion of their homework in designated homework rooms.

  • Students are not entitled to access classroom areas to retrieve forgotten materials once they enter the after care program.

Discipline Policy

The aftercare program requires the same standard of behavior from its participants as is customary within the school day setting. All school rules apply while in aftercare.

  • Inappropriate and/or problematic behaviors will be documented and addressed.

  • The aftercare staff will work in accordance with administration in handling serious disciplinary concerns.

  • Students may be removed from the program for any offense deemed contradictory to its mission or compromising the safety of its other participants.

Emergency Procedures

The aftercare program will follow the St. Thomas the Apostle School Emergency Handbook and procedures during times of emergency. Communication during emergencies will be conducted using the telephone numbers provided to the program on the student’s after care registration form.