
We appreciate al our volunteers! You are an integral part of our school family and help make our school successful. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact the front office. Under Indiana law, Diocesan schools have the right to obtain limited criminal history information about any volunteer who will have contact with, care of, or supervision over enrolled students. Before a person is placed in a volunteer position that would involve regular contact with children, the following items must be completed successfully every 3 years:

  • Volunteer Application

  • Acknowledgement of the Volunteer Manual

  • Certificate of Completion for Safe Environment training

  • Criminal and Sex Offender Background Check

The principal has the right to discontinue the use of a volunteer’s service at the school at his or her discretion.

Please contact bookkeeper@stthomaselkhart.com for application

Service Hour Opportunities

Daddy/Daughter Dance 4/25/25

email stthomastheapostlepto@gmail.com

Mother/Son Nerf Battle 5/17/25

email stthomastheapostlepto@gmail.com

Field Day 5/29/25

email epianowski@stselkhart.com

Family Commitment

Each family who has students enrolled at St. Thomas is expected to contribute two (2) family service hours to St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School per school year. Each family is responsible for reporting their service hours in a timely fashion using the Family Service Hours Report Form. In the spirit of support, we recognize that families often contribute far more than the required 2 hours. Families are encouraged to report all service hours. This information is collected and used when applying for grants and during our school accreditation process.