STS Tuition
Tuition costs will be determined by Diocesan policy. St. Thomas the Apostle School maintains a system of calculating tuition and fees which partially funds the costs of operating and maintaining the school. All families must register with FACTS management. Visit to register. All families shall be expected to make tuition payments according to one of two payment plans:
1. Full Payment – to be paid directly to the school.
2. Ten-, Eleven-, or Twelve-Month Payment Plan – using FACTS as an automatic payment plan made through your checking account or credit/debit card.
Families using payment plans must provide authorization and pertinent credit/debit card or checking account information. If a monthly payment is not received by the 30th day of the month due, that month’s tuition and a late fee will be applied to the credit/ debit card or checking account provided in the payment agreement. Families from neighboring parishes should contact Marcia Gleason at the school office to discuss discounts available to them.
Tuition Support
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School aspires to enable all admitted students to attend, regardless of financial means. Any family wishing to apply for tuition support, or a school choice scholarship must fill out a FACTS Grant and Aid Application. The Parish has hired FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment, an experienced third party with a long presence in the diocese, to assist in this process. FACTS processes financial aid applications and prepares an objective report regarding relative need. The Parish, however, makes all final determinations on financial aid awards. All financial information is kept in the strictest confidence. Families that have children enrolled in more than one Catholic school (including high schools) only need to fill out one FACTS application for each school year..
Indiana School Choice Program
Qualifying students in grades K-12 can receive 90% of the local per-student state funding amount for tuition at any of our diocesan Catholic schools through the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program, also sometimes referred to as the “voucher.” To qualify, the student must legally reside in Indiana, be at least five years old by October 1 of the enrolled school year, and meet income eligibility requirements (see below) . 97% of households in Indiana qualify for this aid. The amount of a School Choice Scholarship is determined by the public school district in which the student lives.Please call or visit the school office and visit the official website,, for more information. Please contact Marcia Gleason at 574-264-4855 or email at for further information specific to St. Thomas.

Student Granting Organization (SGO)
The Student Granting Organization of Northeast Indiana was founded in 2011 to provide low to middle income families with scholarships to attend Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend. The SGO grant is income based and helps families afford the school of their choice. SGO scholarships are funded by charitable corporate or individual private donations, not by the state. Families who qualify and receive the SGO will then have a pathway to apply for the state School Choice Scholarship the next school year. Families must provide the school with the first two pages of their 1040 tax return. Please contact Marcia Gleason at 574-264-4855 or email at for further information.
On My Way Prek
On My Way Pre-K awards limited vouchers to four-year-olds from low-income families so they may have access to an approved Pre-K program the year before they begin kindergarten. For frequently asked questions, eligibility requirements, and more, visit Contact Kristi Frick at 574-264-4855 or email for information.
Parishioner Aid
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church provides tuition support based on relative need for active parishioners. This aid directs tuition support to those for whom it is the greatest burden to educate their children in a Catholic school. By allocating tuition support in this way, the parish seeks to enable more parishioners to enroll their children in Catholic school, regardless of relative means. Families who are active parishioners and want more information about this aid should contact our parish pastor. Contact the school office at 574-264-4855 or email Marcia Gleason at for the application form