Students are assessed regularly throughout the year in multiple ways. We use standardized assessments, traditional assessments, and authentic assessments to show student progress.
Standardized Assessments
St. Thomas administers the following standardized tests:
Kindergarten readiness screener: Administered in Spring to incoming/potential kindergarten students to assess students’ foundational learning skills and kindergarten readiness.
ILEARN: measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana Academic Standards English/Language Arts for grades three through eight, Mathematics for grades three through eight, Science for
grades four and six, and Social Studies for grade five. (April/May)
IREAD-3: A third grade reading assessment designed to measure foundational reading skills based on Indiana Academic Standards. (March)
NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association): a measurement of academic progress that is administered in grades K-8. (August, January, May)
NWEA Skills Checklists are given to students in grades K-2 to assess risk for Dyslexia according to Indiana Code 20-35.5